MSW, LICSW – Licensed therapist

Josh Powell is a licensed clinical social worker and completed his Masters in Social Work in 2019 at the University of Denver’s Four Corners Program in Durango, Colorado. Josh takes a client-centered approach to therapy and believes that clients are the experts with regard to their lives and therapists work as guides on a journey of self-discovery. Josh uses an eclectic mix of therapeutic modalities including Cognitive Behavior Therapy and skills from Dialectical Behavior Therapy. Josh is also passionate about teaching Nonviolent Communication. He is also an EMDR trained therapist and enjoys using EMDR when it’s a good fit for the client. He has worked with individuals and families in a variety of settings including residential treatment and community mental health. Josh passionately practices under the core values of social work: service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence.